August Unlock Protocol Update

Progress on Protocol Growth

  • Sponsorship of HackFS Hackathon through EthGlobal with 17 entrants deploying Unlock Protocol on their projects.
  • Deployed Snapshot voting using Unlock memberships for the entire community to participate in selecting the top 3 HackFS projects using Unlock.

Fresh Integrations

Grant Program

  • Grantees from Group 1 launched integrations on Decentraland, Telegram, Firebase
  • Three new grantees were announced for Group 2.
  • Mintgate integration is being implemented by Jennifer Tran from the Group 2 grantees.
  • New grants have been submitted for the next voting round.

PR/Marketing/Community Initiatives

  • Active and ongoing outreach campaigns: HackerFS promo, Unlock Grants submission promos, website and Github conversions.
  • We’ve had a 260% growth in Twitter followers so far this month as opposed to the same period in July.