It is time to reward who in the Unlock community you think created most value in the last 30 days for the protocol and its community!
As a remainder, you have 7 days until June 7th to submit yourself or anyone’s address. After that, all token holders will have 7 days to vote (using Snapshot’s gas-less voting!) on these addresses.
Anyone who receives more than 1% of the quadratic votes will be receiving their share of the 100 UDT allocated!
Please share their addresses and why you think they deserve to be retro-actively funded!
Hi. I’ll start off with a self-submission for my work with Paylines via Notion + Unlock. I learned a lot and think there’s a strong future in these approaches.
My address:
I would like to nominate myself for actively promoting Unlock Protocol in my community and social media.
I nominate STRIBE – the dental education startup that’s embraced the future and is offering NFT-membership to its exclusive community of dentists. Stribe has been grinding on this for the last 6 months and is leading the way for so many. Entirely worthy of some UDT love!
Thank you everyone for voting for me at the previous retroactive fundings.
Had a busy time and not followed enough about current developments, but a new attempt to get input for making designs for promotion, the more input the more output
Where possible I will try to contribute as a graphic designer for designing visuals to promote Unlock on social media. For that I need the help of locksmiths who can give me substantive input for a possible visual for something that needs to be promoted.
That is why I would like to nominate @CarloZelf for the contribution I try to make to the promotion of Unlock protocol. Adress: 0x08A5678b176FBDb6C8b917ebB4922B4979F5324c
Every small contribution from an individual can lead to something big for everyone togetherđź’Ş
I’m nominating myself for sharing an example approach of the recurring membership MEV search on GitHub, and contributing a pull-request to the MEV job board.
In the past, I’ve already spent quite some time on the Shopify app for Unlock Protocol, but unfortunately we’re still stuck at getting it approved for the official Shopify app store (which is why I haven’t been able to tap into the grant for it yet).
I really want to spend more time on Unlock Protocol contributions in the future, too. At the moment I’m working on a WooCommerce plugin for discounts for members. Any amount of funding I get will allow me to do so faster.