Retroactive Funding May 2024

Dear DAO Members,

It is time to reward members of the Unlock community who you think created the most value in the last month for the protocol and its community!

You have until May 15th to submit yourself or anyone’s address with the new guidelines in mind:

  • Please avoid nominating yourself if possible.
  • If you nominate yourself, please submit evidence of your contribution via a URL, on-chain evidence or an image/ screenshot
  • Please nominate one or more people from the community to acknowledge their contributions and provide reason as to why you are nominating them.
  • If you were nominated, please make sure to add your evidence to the thread
  • The DAO’s Timelock address should always be added in case people think that the total amount should not be spent in a month.

After that, all token holders will have 8 days to vote (using Snapshot’s gas-less voting) on these addresses. When you submit someone, please include their Discord handle.

Anyone who receives more than 1% of the quadratic votes will get their share of the 100 UDT allocated.

Reminder: The rewards will be sent to the members through the DAO (Tally Platform).


Hey there! I’m Zack Guzman the founder of Trustless Media and was just on the last Unlock Town Hall!

I am nominating myself mostly because I’ve had the privilege of utilizing the Unlock protocol to great success and hope to continue doing so.

Not only did we at Trustless use Unlock for our Coinage brand — we also used Unlock to launch the first ever community-owned food show at Best Dish Ever, which has grown to more than 20,000 members (NFT holders) in just a few weeks thanks to Unlock. We are now one of the largest communities curating NYC’s best dishes and unlocking discounts at NYC’s best restaurants.

You can check it out here:

This project is a perfect example of using Unlock to enable use cases beyond crypto. Adoption for BDE has grown beyond the crypto community and users can sign up seamlessly using Privy. Our team also partnered with Avalanche and Coinbase to expand distribution and reward early members.

I’m looking forward to continuing the partnership with Unlock to grow this space!


Hey DAO Members,

Briguit Reinaldo here, also known as Criptomommy, founder of Women Biz.

I’m excited to nominate myself for this month’s Retroactive Funding.

During our latest “Women in Web3” bootcamp, I led a standout session with Valentina on how the Unlock protocol can revolutionize our tech applications.

We focused on breaking down blockchain tech and demonstrating its real-world benefits.

Besides the discussions, we leveraged Unlock for practical everyday use — tracking attendance from start to finish of the bootcamp. This integration not only simplified our process but also showcased the tangible benefits of blockchain technology to all participants.

Curious about how it went?

Post in X:


Wallet: 0xB3a84330b0C3cd838D9ed9EDc59574207d6825D4

Thanks a lot for considering my nomination!


Hey guys, I would like to nominate myself for my active contributions to the DAO and my work on turning on Unlock contracts fee switch on mainnet, and across all supported networks.

blahkheart: 0xCA7632327567796e51920F6b16373e92c7823854

I also nominate @stellaachenbach for her work in hosting the DAO calls

stellaachenbach: 0xD2BC5cb641aE6f7A880c3dD5Aee0450b5210BE23


Great job @Blahkheart!

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Thank you @David-Moderator for reminding me :slight_smile: and putting this up!

I would like to nominate:

@PostArchitekt - for his contributions as a DAO Member and for picking up/ delivering on an old proposal with huge potential to bring many more people to Unlock Protocol. I tested the prototype of the story-based game and loved it.

@David-Moderator - for his active discussion and liaison with the holder group of Unlock Protocol’s UDT as well as his most recent proposals

@txbi - for his active contributions to the protocol and completing the website of ALANAmagazine that exclusively utilizes Unlock Protocol -

@Yonks - for their active investigation of a legal wrapper solution for US-based members

@lanzdingz - for their continued activity in the DAO and providing further information on the Gitcoin round we ran in collab with Arbitrum

That’s it :smiley:
All my recent contributions and those of others in more detail can be found in the DAO Actions Protocol: Unlock DAO Actions Protocol 2024 - Google Docs

Hello DAO members!

I’m Jhon Villena, founder of Ayni Educativo, the first virtual school in Peru committed to democratizing education in Latin America.

I am excited to nominate myself for Retroactive Funding, highlighting our innovative use of the Unlock protocol in Ayni Educativo’s programs.

We implemented Unlock to manage volunteer applications in our 2024 Summer Programs, 2024 School Cycle, and AYNITEC. Through this technology, we facilitated the integration of young volunteers passionate about teaching in academic, artistic, cultural, and technological areas, with the latter being essential for educating our children on current technological trends like Python and programming.

This approach not only optimized our administrative processes but also allowed our volunteers to directly experience the practical benefits of blockchain technology, aligning perfectly with our comprehensive educational mission.

Interested in learning more about our impact?

Post on X:


Wallet: 0xBd0140c6EF62BF01cA8FF9fC23543d3b8180b948

Thank you very much for considering this funding!