Retroactive Funding September 2024

Dear DAO Members,

It is time to reward members of the Unlock community who you think created the most value in the last month for the protocol and its community!

You have until September 15th to submit yourself or anyone’s address with the new guidelines in mind:

Please avoid nominating yourself if possible.
If you nominate yourself, please submit evidence of your contribution via a URL, on-chain evidence or an image/ screenshot
Please nominate one or more people from the community to acknowledge their contributions and provide reason as to why you are nominating them.
If you were nominated, please make sure to add your evidence to the thread
The DAO’s Timelock address should always be added in case people think that the total amount should not be spent in a month.
After that, all token holders will have 8 days to vote (using Snapshot’s gas-less voting) on these addresses. When you submit someone, please include their Discord handle.

Anyone who receives more than 1% of the quadratic votes will get their share of the 1000 UP allocated.

Reminder: The rewards will be sent to the members through the DAO (Tally Platform).

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I would like to nominate @Blahkheart for all his help with the retro round on Arbitrum 0xCA7632327567796e51920F6b16373e92c7823854

CaptainSouthPaw - 0xED59e0fB105F003e508A1f59Fe9F4AE5a755BDeD
Contributions to the DAO workshops

PostArchitekt - 0x4846162806B025Dcd0759cACF9ec6F9474274282
Contributions to the DAO workshops

Nominating myself for the retro round on Arbitrum, marketing Unlock, participating in one of Captain Southpaws DAO workshops - 0xaa3600788b72863ff51c8f0db5f10bb65fbfeab4