Unlock Discourse plugin

Make your Discourse topics accessible through NFT access

The Unlock Discourse plugin let you lock topics behind the Unlock paywall. Your discourse members have to buy your NFT or receive it via an airdrop to access topics from locked categories.


Documentation :

1. How to create a lock (Ethereum, rinkeby, xDai)

You can also create a lock backed by any ERC20 token : Creating a Lock for a custom ERC20 token

2. How to install the plugin
3. How to configure the plugin
4. How to customize the unlocked users profiles

About :

Github repo : GitHub - discourse/discourse-unlock
Authors : Camille Besse & Zogstrip
Support : You can ask all your question on the #dev category or on the Discord dev channel.


You could try to unlock this topic : Introducing the DAO

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If I have 2 lock contracts, can I use them in same discourse server?

I’d like to setup different privilledges for 2 lock contracts
The issue is the plugin only accepts one lock contract

@PfanP If the plugin does not suppport it you can also “hook” to the other so that if the user has a membership to any they will be able to get access thru the one configured in the plugin itself.

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Do you mean I should modify the plugin? Would you explain me more detail how could I do that? @julien

Did you ever figure this out? We’d like to do the same. I was thinking to maybe try to install the plugin twice, with the second install using a different name. Not sure if it will work.

Unlock Discourse plugin developers, is there a way to use more than one contract to authorize users access to certain groups on Discourse?

Sorry for the delays here… if you want to set different set of privileges depending on what NFT users have (from different contracts) then yes you will need to modify the contract.

Hi, thanks for this plugin, really usefull.
Is it possible to set a collection as the token (nft) to use? Not having to create and sell one from scratch but for a community that already have a nft and a token gated community in discord?

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Hello, is this plugin still working ?
I can’t make it work